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Story of Our Faith Study Questions - Week 8


  1. After talking about the depth of human sin and the greater nature of God's grace in Romans 1–5, the Bible asks an important question in Rom. 6:1–7. What is the question and what is the answer?
  2. Read Ephesians 2:8–10 and James 2:14–19, 26. What is the relationship between faith and our changed lives?
  3. According to 1 Peter 2:21, the lives we live are to be modeled on the life of Jesus. Read Luke 4:16–21, 19:10, and 24:46–48. How should we live as we follow Jesus?
  4. 2 Timothy 1:9 is a good verse to memorize: "[God] has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace." What do we learn from this verse?


Story of Our Faith, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church