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Story of Our Faith Study Questions - Week 6


    1. Read John 14:1–4, 15–27; 16:6–7.
    2. Read through those texts again, adding John 16:5–15.

*How does Jesus describe the person of the Holy Spirit? List the ways that Jesus makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is a divine person and not simply a force.

  1. Look again at 14:25; 15:26–27; and 16:8–11. According to Jesus, what does the Holy Spirit do?
  2. Look at Paul's words to the church (including both Jew and Gentile believers) in Ephesians 1:12–14. What does Paul say about the Holy Spirit and the church?
  3. Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit so that his followers would have peace (shalom) and would never be afraid—even when we would have to give testimony of our faith to an unbelieving world. Discuss how this should be an encouragement to us as we follow Jesus.


Story of Our Faith, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church