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The Great Escape - Week 9 - Study Guide

Category: The Great Escape



Worshiping as We Travel

Exodus 14:29-15:21

  1. Read 14:29–31. Describe how you would have felt if you had been there that day and experienced God's miraculous rescue.
  2. In 15:1a, the response to God's salvation was that the people sang. Do you think this was appropriate? Most of the music that Christians have sung (and continue to sing) came from great revival movements. In the light of this text, why do you think that might be true?
  3. Read through the song in 15:1b–18.
    • What does it say about who God is?
    • What does it say about what God has done?
    • What else do you observe from the hymn?
    • What lessons do you think we might learn from this text about music in a worship service today?
  4. Read 15:19–21. Put into your own words what happened. What would happen at your church if one of the spiritual leaders grabbed a tambourine and did this in a service? What could we learn from these three verses in Scripture?
  5. What is the most important lesson you would like to apply to your life from this passage?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church