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The Great Escape - Week 7 - Study Guide

Category: The Great Escape



An Independance Day Celebration

Exodus 12:1-13:16

In our passage, we will see that God's Word gives much more space to how the rescue from slavery is to be remembered than to the even itself.

  1. Read through Exodus 12:1–20, 24–28; 13:1–16 and the careful instructions God gave about how the Passover event is to be conducted and remembered. What strikes you as important? Why do you think this commemoration is important?
  2. In 12:12–13, God points out three truths about himself that are to be remembered at Passover. Discuss why these are important and whether they still have relevance to us:
    • "I am the LORD"
    • "I bring judgment on other gods"
    • "I will pass over you"
  3. Read about the Passover event in 12:21–23, 29–42, 50–51. If you had been among those who were rescued, what would you tell your children and grandchildren about the event?
  4. This Passover event has been passed on to us in the form of the Lord's Supper. According to 1 Corinthians 11:26, we are to commemorate Jesus' death for our rescue until he comes again. Read Matthew 26:17–29. How does the first Passover in Exodus 12 deepen your understanding of our own salvation through Jesus?
  5. What is the most important lesson you hope to apply to your life from this study?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church