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The Great Escape - Week 5 - Study Guide

Category: The Great Escape



The Reluctant Superstar

Exodus 4 - 6

We will be studying about the biblical teaching on "remembering" this week. We often think of memory as a purely mental faculty involving the retention of information. But when we examine the biblical concept of remembrance, we see that "remembering" in the Bible usually leads to or results from purposeful action.

  1. God's call upon Moses' life is recorded in Exodus 3:10. What was Moses' first excuse for not fulfilling this calling (in 3:11)? Have you ever felt the way he did?
  2. Moses' second excuse is in 4:1. Can you empathize with him?
  3. What was God's response to Moses' concerns in 4:2–9? Would this have helped you overcome your sense of inadequacy to fulfill God's calling?
  4. Moses' third excuse is in 4:10. Have you ever been tempted to use this kind of excuse when there is something you think God would have you do?
  5. How compelling is God's response in 4:11–12?
  6. Can you relate to Moses' words in 4:13?
  7. What do you learn from God's response in 4:14–17?
  8. Moses stepped out and obeyed God in 4:18–5:21, but things got worse for the Israelites. Read 5:22–6:12. Hindsight helps us see that God did use Moses to deliver the Israelites. What is the main lesson you hope to apply from Moses' ongoing sense of failure and God's unwillingness to give up on him?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church