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The Great Escape - Week 3 - Study Guide

Category: The Great Escape



The Power of Remembering

Exodus 2:24 - 3:12

We will be studying about the biblical teaching on "remembering" this week. We often think of memory as a purely mental faculty involving the retention of information. But when we examine the biblical concept of remembrance, we see that "remembering" in the Bible usually leads to or results from purposeful action.

  1. Read Exodus 2:23-3:2a. What was the situation? What happened when God remembered?
  2. Read 3:13-15. The same word for "remember" used in 2:24 occurs in 3:15. What seem to be so important about remembering the name of the God who had rescued Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
  3. God often had his people erect visible remembrances after he had rescued them. See 1 Samuel 7:7-12 and the ebenezer ( i.e., rock of help) and Joshua 4:9. Why do you think God did this?
  4. Read Numbers 15:39-41. To help his people remember his relationship to them, God had Israel put visible tassels on their garments. What was to be the affect of this remembering?
  5. Jesus gave us a visible and physical remembrance just before he went to the cross. See 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. What should be the affect of us remembering Jesus' body and blood?
  6. Take time to remember when God has spoken to you – or answered a prayer. Share that with someone. Do something (e.g., write it down, build a visible remembrance, etc.) so that you will not forget what God has done.


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church