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The Great Escape - Week 12 - Study Guide

Category: The Great Escape



God in the Dock

Exodus 17:1-7

  1. Read 17:1–7. This is a passage in which the Israelites put God on trial (v. 2). What was happening that led to the accusations against the Lord?
  2. Do people make accusations against God today? If so, for what reasons?
  3. In 2–4, the people accused Moses of wrongdoing directly (though the Bible indicates that their complaint was ultimately against God). In what ways might we accuse our leaders (in the nation, church, work, or family) unfairly?
  4. The Israelites' anger about feeling mistreated almost led them to engage in serious sins themselves (v. 4). In what ways might this happen in our lives?
  5. In vv. 5–7, how did God respond to the people's accusations? See the way the Scriptures speak about this in Numbers 20:13–14. What does this teach you about God?
  6. Meribah means "the disputation" and Massah means "the trial." They became a part of the worship memories in Israel. (See the hymn in Psalm 95.) Why do you think that God gave these names, and why were his people never to forget what happened there?
  7. What is the main lesson you hope to apply to your life from this passage of God's Word?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church