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The Great Escape - Week 10 - Study Guide

Category: The Great Escape



Grumbling after the Victory

Exodus 15:22-17:7

This week’s passage reports three distinct times of God’s people grumbling. We’ll focus on that in our study and return to other matters in the coming weeks.

  1. Grumble #1: Read 15:22–27. What title would you give this passage?
    • What did the Israelites grumble about? Can you empathize with them?
    • What did God do when they grumbled?
    • In vv. 25b–26, God gave a ruling. What do we learn from it?
  2. Grumble #2: Read 16:1–36. What title would you give this passage?
    • What did the Israelites grumble about this time? Talk especially about v. 3.
    • How did God react to the grumbling? What do we learn from this about how God deals with his people?
    • What do we learn about taking a sabbath from vv. 22–30?
  3. Grumble #3: Read 17:1–7. What title would you give this passage?
    • What is different about this third report?
    • What do we learn about the interaction between God and Moses?
  4. What do you hope will be different about your life as you respond to this passage from God's Word?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church