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Pastor's Letter
Sermons Archive



  1. Some have said that Acts 12 is all about Herod vs. God... God wins! Read 12:1–4. Who or what seems to be in control I this world? Have you experienced times in which evil seems to be in control and you wonder what God is doing?

  2. Read 12:20–24 and describe what happened in your own words. Who was in control here? What do you learn from this report?
  3. 12:4–19 has the characteristics of an eyewitness account. Read it aloud and discuss what is most striking about the story to you. What do you learn about times of struggle? What do you learn about the church? What do you learn about God?

  4. What do we learn about prayer in this passage? Do you think that the church had been praying for James in vv. 1–4? Why do you think that things turned out differently for Peter? How should we pray for people who are in trouble?

  5. Take a few moments and reflect on v. 24 in the light of 12:1–23. Then, discuss whether God is always worthy of our trust. Why or why not?

  6. What is the main lesson you hope to apply to your life this week from Acts 12?



2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church