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How NOT to Stand in God's Way - Week 16 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources

1. Today, words are cheap. But in Luke's day, books were expensive to produce. Why repeat the story from Acts 10? Luke's second telling of the story is in somewhat of a different order. Can you spot the differences? Does it feel different as you read the two accounts?

Pastor's Letter
Sermons Archive


ACTS 11:1-21

  1. Today, words are cheap. But in Luke's day, books were expensive to produce. Why repeat the story from Acts 10? Luke's second telling of the story is in somewhat of a different order. Can you spot the differences? Does it feel different as you read the two accounts?

  2. This section begins and ends with the response of the "circumcision party" to God's work among the Gentiles. They are satisfied when Peter reports that the Holy Spirit was at work among the Gentiles. How do you know when/where the Spirit is at work?
  3. Peter says something intriguing in verse 17. How can someone "stand in God's way"? (For your consideration, there is a strong connection in verse 17 to what happened in Acts 10:47.)

  4. In verse 21, Luke makes it seem like "the hand of the Lord" was with those who went to the Greek speaking world in a special way. Why do you think this might be? What might this say about God's mission today?

  5. Take some time to pray for the places where you see the Spirit at work. Make yourself and/or your family available to follow the Spirit where he leads.



2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church