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Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner? - Week 15 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources


Pastor's Letter
Sermons Archive


ACTS 10:1-48

  1. Read what 10:1–8 says about Cornelius. Describe him in your own words. How different would he have been from Peter? What kinds of divisions might have existed between them?

  2. Read about the vision God gave Peter in 10:9–23. Focus on vv. 13–16. Why was the interchange so direct? Why did it have to happen three times? (See vv. 28–29.) Do we have any divisions in our culture—even in our church—that might be as wide as the Jew/Gentile divide was in the 1st century?
  3. Peter's response in 10:34–43 to Cornelius' testimony has often been called the biblical foundation for our mission to all people groups. What are the main points that Peter makes? How does this message apply to us?

  4. One of the most important parts of Acts is that not only do all Christians share faith in Jesus but they also possess the Holy Spirit. Compare 10:44–45 with the Samaritans' story in 8:14–17 and the Jewish people's in 2:1–12. What do we learn?

  5. Baptism included both a full identification with Jesus as Lord and with the family of God. Why was 10:47–48 so important in this report?

  6. What are the most important lessons we learn from this passage? Does it have any message to us regarding the divisions we have socially and politically in our own society?



2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church