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God's Vision for Church: Beyond the Kids' Table - week 9 - Study Guide


Pastor's Letter
Sermons Archive

God's Vision for Church: Beyond the Kids' Table

Luke 2:41

  1. We see in Luke 2:41-47 that as adults interacted with Jesus as a young person, they were amazed by him and his wisdom. In similar ways, how has interacting with a young person somehow shaped you?
  2. Can you find or think about other Biblical stories and verses that also speak to the young and old engaging with each other?
  3. Given Psalm 145's instruction for one generation to commend God's works to another, what role do you think God might want you to play in sharing your relationship with Jesus with others?
  4. As you think about your life, can you name 5 people older than you who have invested in you and your faith? Can you name a few younger folks who you are investing in?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church