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Conversion - Week 14 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources


Pastor's Letter
Sermons Archive


ACTS 9:1-31

  1. Read Acts 8:1-3 and then 9:1-2. Why do you think Saul was so vehement about those who belonged to "the Way"? Who would be most like him in our own world? Do you see any of the seeds of Paul's actions in yourself?

  2. Read 9:3-9 carefully. Make a list of the details of Saul's conversion. How would you describe his experience to a colleague at work or an unbelieving friend?
  3. Read the story of Saul and Ananias in 9:10-19a. How hard would it have been for Ananias to obey God? Why? Have you ever had a similar struggle obeying something you sensed God would have you to do?

  4. 9:19b-25 tells of the beginnings of Saul's complete conversion. The man who did not believe God could take on human flesh, that the one God could be triune, and that the Messiah could be crucified has changed. Describe why you think such a thing is possible. Does the testimony of his transformation offer you hope? Why?

  5. Read 9:26-30. How important was it for Saul's growth and discipleship to be in a church community? What practical guidance do we receive from Barnabas' actions about welcoming new people to church?

  6. After all the church persecution we have read about from Acts 4-8 as the church seemed to be settled into Jerusalem, we see the result described in 9:31. Compare 9:31 to 1:8. What lessons should we learn?

  7. What do you hope to apply to your personal life this week from Acts 9?



2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church