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Fruit of the Spirit: Fall 2015

Print Adult Class Leader Guide


Adult Class Leader Guide



Please allow this purpose to guide your teaching each week!

  • The Fruit of the Spirit is not a set of characteristics to be pursued or values to be lived out.  Instead the Fruit is the result and the evidence of a life lived in submission to the Spirit of God.  As such, this teaching series should focus more on the pursuit of the Spirit and how each aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit can be seen as an outgrowth of that pursuit.



Please revisit this introduction, or some form of it, each week to maintain continuity.

  • Read and reflect on Galatians 5.16-18.  What does it mean to “walk by the Spirit”?  What is the “flesh” and how is being led by the Spirit different from giving in to the desires of the flesh?
  • Read and reflect on Galatians 5.22-23.  What does it mean that these things are fruit? {They are the evidence of or the results of walking by the Spirit.}


General Resources for this Series



Week One – Love

  • Definition: Love is choosing to put the interests of another or others first, no matter the potential cost or benefit. (Philippians 2.3-4)
  • How is love a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does love result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see love in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Mark 10.17-22 (Jesus looked at the “rich, young ruler” and loved him)
      • John 11.1-11 (Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus)
      • John 11.32-36 (Jesus empathetically grieves with his friends)
      • John 13.1-5 (Jesus washed his disciples’ feet)
      • John 13.34-35 (Jesus’ “new” command)
      • John 15.9-17 (Jesus’ ultimate love will be shown by laying down his life for his friends)





Week Two – Joy

  • Definition: Joy is deep and abiding contentment during all seasons of life that is born out of a life of service which brings glory to God. (Philippians 4.10-20)
  • How is joy a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does joy result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see joy in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Luke 10.17-21 (Jesus was full of joy at the report of the 72)
      • Luke 15.3-7 (parable of the lost sheep)
      • Luke 15.8-10 (parable of the lost coin)
      • Matthew 28.5-10 (the women who witness the empty tomb are full of joy)
      • John 17.11-13 (Jesus wants his disciples to find joy in the fact that he’s protected them)
      • Matthew 5.11-12 (rejoice and be glad when persecuted)





Week Three – Peace

  • Definition: Peace is that state of being we each long for desperately that is best exemplified by the wholeness and well-being seen in Jesus’ earthly life.
  • How is peace a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does peace result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see peace in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Luke 2.14 (peace on earth)
      • Luke 10.5-6 (Jesus’ advice for the 72 regarding the “person of peace”)
      • Luke 19.37-40 (people yell “peace in heaven” at Jesus)
      • Luke 24.36-40 (“peace be with you” after his resurrection)
      • John 14.25-27 (Jesus gives the Holy Spirit and peace)
      • John 20.21-22 (“Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you”)





Week Four – Patience

  • Definition: Patience is the ability to suffer with grace the frustration and aggravation brought on by life, circumstances, and others.
  • How is patience a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does patience result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see patience in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • John 1.1-4, 14 (imagine the patience Jesus had to have to be incarnated!)
      • Matthew 14.13-21 (feeding the 5000; Jesus is patient with the disciples)
      • John 3.1-15 (patiently walks Nicodemus through things)
      • John 9.1-7 (Jesus addresses the wrong-headed question of his disciples with grace)
      • John 13.6-10 (deals with Peter with grace)
      • John 20.24-28 (deals with Thomas with grace)





Week Five – Kindness

  • Definition: Kindness is a way of life that is marked by others—focus, respect, and care for all people, whoever may come across our paths.
  • How is kindness a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does kindness result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see kindness in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Mark 10.46-52 (Blind Bartimaeus)
      • Luke 7.11-17 (his “heart went out to her”, the widow whose son had died)
      • Matthew 9.35-38 (Jesus looked at the crowds and had compassion)
      • Matthew 15.29-38 (Jesus had compassion on the crowds)
      • Luke 15.11-20 (parable of the lost son; the father had compassion on him)
      • Mark 1.40-42 (Jesus heals a leper; “if you are willing”…“I am willing”)





Week Six – Goodness

  • Definition: Goodness is demonstrated in our lives when we do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
  • How is goodness a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does goodness result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see goodness in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Mark 11.15-17 (clearing the Temple)
      • Mark 7.24-30 (Syrophoenician woman)
      • John 8.2-11 (woman caught in adultery)
      • Luke 13.10-17 (healing on the Sabbath; people over rules)
      • Matthew 25.34-40 (“least of these”)
      • Luke 4.16-24 (Jesus’ first sermon)





Week Seven – Faithfulness

  • Definition: Faithfulness is a way of life marked by utter trust in God which leads to someone being loyal, reliable, and dependable.
  • How is faithfulness a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does faithfulness result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see faithfulness in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Mark 10.23-31 (faithful to reward his children)
      • Luke 7.20-25 (Jesus is faithful toward John’s disciples)
      • Luke 24.36-47 (Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples as he promised)
      • John 8.21-26 (Jesus is sent from the Father, who is the epitome of faithfulness!)
      • John 19.25-27 (Jesus is faithful to his mother Mary)
      • John 19.28-30 (Jesus was faithful to finish his work on the cross)





Week Eight – Gentleness

  • Definition: Gentleness is strength that is under control and which is used for the benefit of others.
  • How is gentleness a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does gentleness result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see gentleness in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Mark 9.38-41 (whoever is not against us is for us)
      • Mark 10.13-16 (Jesus and the kiddos)
      • Mark 10.35-45 (he could have put them on blast!)
      • Luke 7.36-50 (Jesus anointed by sinful woman)
      • Luke 8.43-48 (hemorrhaging woman touches the hem of Jesus’ clothes)
      • John 4.1-26 (Samaritan woman)




Week Nine – Self-Control

  • Definition: Self-control is the ability to absorb what life throws at us without lashing out or giving in.
  • How is self-control a fruit of the Spirit?  In other words, how does self-control result from a life in submission to the Spirit of God?  Are there any stories you could tell about this?
  • Jesus is the best example of a life lived in submission to the Spirit
    • How do we see self-control in Jesus’ life?
    • Passages:
      • Matthew 4.1-11 (Jesus’ temptation)
      • Mark 9.43-48 (if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off…)
      • Matthew 26.39 (take this cup from me)
      • Luke 23.34-43 (Father, forgive them for they know not what they do)
      • John 18.10-11 (Jesus scolds Peter for his lack of self-control)
      • Mark 1.35/Luke 5.16 (Jesus had the discipline to connect with God each day)

