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Return to Sender - Philemon Part 2

  1. Pretend you're Philemon for a moment. You're wealthy, powerful, and important to the church that meets in your home. Now, a letter is being read publicly with your name mentioned. As you look through Paul's letter, what do you think of the way Paul is addressing Philemon? How would you take it?

  2. In verses 8-9, Paul seems to be demonstrating a way for a superior to approach a subordinate in the kingdom of God. Paul COULD have issued a command but chooses not to. What lessons can we learn from this.
  3. How hard it must have been for Philemon to read verse 16. In what way might Paul have meant that Onesimus, this runaway slave, is dear to Philemon?
  4. In verse 19, Paul makes an audacious claim - "you owe me your very self." Paul was most likely referring to Philemon's conversion for which Paul was partly responsible. How much more do we owe Christ – a debt we can never repay! Take a moment to speak your gratitude to God in prayer and to ask Him how you, your family, your small group, can serve him TOGETHER.


Return to Sender, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church