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Return to Sender - Philemon Part 1

Category: Special Sermons

Return to Sender - Philemon Part 1


IAs a father of a three year old, and a five year old (and a baby boy on the way!) you can imagine how many times we have to break up arguments in our home. It usually starts with someone screaming or crying and then we can hear the footsteps racing to the door. "She hit me!" is a normal opening line or "she took my toy" at this point as parents we know it's time for us to intervene. I will call the offender in and give one of those "you know better then that speeches" and then comes the hard part. This is the part that I hated when I was a kid. I look down and point my finger at the door and say "now go and apologize to your sister" it seemed like the idea of apologizing was harder to do then the "time out" they had to endure. I could see the head drop, the slow paced walk and then this little mumble would come out "I'm sorry"..

In our text today Paul had to intervene between two brothers who were fighting. This letter to Philemon talks about this broken relationship between a slave and his master and how Paul challenges them to be brothers. Onesimus steals from Philemon and runs away. In the message we will talk about what happens when Paul finds Onesimus and "returns him to sender".

One of the most unfortunate realities of our humanity is when relationships are broken. In many instances we walk away never to return to those broken relationships. Paul in this letter will teach us about a God who at times will "return us to the sender" sending us back to the thing that sent us away to begin with.

I pray that we will seek God concerning broken relationships in our lives this God asking us to go and seek Reconciliation?

To His Glory,

Albert Tate
Pastor of Intergenerational Ministries