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Category: Special Sermons

Dear Lake Family,


Please allow me the opportunity to use this letter to share a couple thoughts with you.

First, as we near the close of summer, I want to thank you all for being a church family full of faith and good deeds. It is clear as I walk the campus and community: you continue to roll up your sleeves to serve others in the name and to the glory of God! That’s what Paul was talking about in Ephesians when under the guidance of the Spirit he wrote: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. It is a privilege and joy to serve alongside each of you as we fulfill God’s Kingdom purposes in and through Lake.

Second, let me preview where we will be going in God’s Word this weekend. Perhaps you’re like me. I love to look at the lives of people who INSPIRE me. Spur me on. Call me out. Influence me. Challenge me. Move me. People who motivate me to live differently--to live better.

That’s exactly what we are going to do this weekend. We are going to look at the lives of three young men who did not shrink or fold when faced with a life or death decision. These men made a gutsy decision to live for God EVEN IF the outcome was uncertain. May their lives speak powerfully to us today.

And last, let me extend an invitation to you. In June 2011, Pattie and I will be making a pilgrimage to Israel. We will spend 10 days discovering and experiencing the sites and settings of our Christian faith. It will be a trip of a lifetime! If you’d like to learn more about this trip, please contact my assistant, Debbie, at 626.817.4804 or and she will provide you with further information.


A fellow follower,

Dr. Chuck Olson
Executive Pastor