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Article 7: What the Church Is - THE UNEXPECTED FAMILY

We believe that the true Church began at Pentecost and is made up of persons from every nation, tribe, people, and language who have been made right with God by His grace through faith alone in Christ alone. These members of God the Father's eternal family are reconciled to one another and united by the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The true Church is manifest in local churches. The Lord Jesus mandated baptism and the Lord's Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel. Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the Church in genuine faith, these practices confirm and nourish the believer. 

To be more on mission together with Jesus as members of his church.
[In each section start with the green question and do the others as time permits.]

 Open in Prayer 


Watch the Video [5–10 minutes]


Video Reflections [10 minutes]

  • What’s the difference between uniformity and unity?  Which one helps us participate in the kingdom of God more fully?  Why?
  • What does it mean to be on mission together?  How can we ensure as a smaller community we stay on the same mission?  What about as a larger congregation?  What role can you play in creating this unity?
  • What are some of the things that we can accomplish only as a community of believers?  Why do we resist inviting people into our community to help us accomplish things?



"We believe that the true Church began at Pentecost and is made up of persons from every nation, tribe, people, and language who have been made right with God by His grace through faith alone in Christ alone. These members of God the Father's eternal family are reconciled to one another and united by the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The true Church is manifest in local churches. The Lord Jesus mandated baptism and the Lord's Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel. Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the Church in genuine faith, these practices confirm and nourish the believer."
(Lake Avenue Church Statement of Faith: Article Seven – The Church)


Questions from the Statement of Faith [20 minutes]

  "Up" Questions (Worship)

  • How does being a diverse community “made up of persons from every nation, tribe, people, and language” help us worship God more fully?  What intrinsic challenges are there?  How can we overcome them?
  • Read over the text from the Statement of Faith and underline all the words in it that reveal that God is worthy of worship.  Which words did you underline?  Which of them is most meaningful to you and why?
  • What about being the local church together helps us connect with God better than we can on our own as individuals?  What role should individual worship play?  What about gathered worship?


  "In" Questions (Community)

  • Think about baptism and the Lord’s Supper as community activities and not just as individual acts.  What difference does this make?  Why might it be important to view these two mandates from Jesus communally?
  • Our Statement of Faith says that we are part of an “eternal family”?  What do you think about this phrase?  What impact should it have on us as we work to be the family of God now, on this side of eternity?
  • Why is reconciliation between one another in the church so difficult?  Why is it so important?  What message does the success or failure of this reconciliation send to those who are observing us from the outside?


  "Out" Questions (ServICe)

  • What would someone who does not follow Jesus yet see if they came to your group?  How do you think they would feel?  Would they be welcome?  Are there some things that your community could do to help all people feel more welcome and loved?
  • What role does the local church play with regard to service for those who do not yet know Jesus?  How can we do this better and more often?
  • CHALLENGE: Make amends with someone you have hurt in your community or in our congregation at large.  Whom do you resent?  Whom have you failed to forgive?  Whom have you hurt with your words and actions?  This week, call them, write them, visit them, whatever; just take the first steps toward reconciliation!


Questions from Scripture [10 minutes]

  • Read Philippians 2:1-5.  What does this passage have to do with being the church?  What in it is most challenging?  What is most encouraging?
  • Read Acts 2:42-47.  What in this description of the early church should we emulate today?  How can we start to become more integrated into one another’s lives as we read about here?  What’s stopping us?  How can we overcome this?



Father, thank you for reconciling us to you. And thank you for beginning to teach us how to forgive, love, and show grace to one another. Help us not take for granted the amazing gift that you have given us in the church: one another. Prevent us from thinking about the church as a building or a place. Instead remind us more and more that we are the church, all of us who follow Jesus. Create unity among us and keep us on mission through the power of the Spirit! In Jesus' holy name. Amen.


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