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article 4: Who Jesus Is - HUMAN AND DIVINE 

We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures. Jesus, Israel's promised Messiah, was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate.

To allow who Jesus is to change us from the inside out.
[In each section start with the green question and do the others as time permits.]

 Open in Prayer 


Watch the Video [5–10 minutes]


Video Reflections [10 minutes]

  • Why is it significant that we believe that Jesus is fully God and fully human?  What role do Jesus’ divinity and humanity play in our salvation?
  • In what ways are Jesus and Superman similar?  In what ways are they different?  What does this comparison teach us about Jesus and about us?
  • How does the fact that Jesus came in a body affect the way we view our own bodies and those of others?



"We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures. Jesus, Israel's promised Messiah, was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate."
(Lake Avenue Church Statement of Faith: Article Four – Jesus)


Questions from the Statement of Faith [20 minutes]

  "Up" Questions (Worship)

  • Do the grand mysteries about Jesus (his birth, his being fully human and fully God, how he was resurrected, etc.) lead you to want to worship God more?  How can we deal with any doubt regarding these mysteries?
  • Read over the text from the Statement of Faith and underline all the words in it that reveal that God is worthy of worship.  Which words did you underline?  Which of them is most meaningful to you and why?
  • Why is it important that Jesus is “Israel’s promised Messiah”?  What does it mean that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One?  What does Jesus being the Messiah have to do with us today?


  "In" Questions (Community)

  • How can the fact that Jesus came as a human (a sign that he can and will redeem our humanity, our bodies) change the way we view one another?  The way we treat each other?  The way we view and treat ourselves?
  • What about our faith communities should be different in light of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection?  How can we be better shaped by Jesus as communities?


  "Out" Questions (ServICe)

  • What about Jesus do you think might be most shocking or difficult to believe for someone who has yet to meet him?  How can this reaction help you share the good news of Jesus with them?
  • How best can we, as individuals and as communities, show the Jesus of the Bible to those in our world?  Think about how we can share about him verbally and how we can embody him where we work, live, and play.
  • CHALLENGE: Over the next week read through one of the four Gospels, or at least part of one.  As you do so, write down how you see Jesus interacting with those who are not part of God’s family.  As you look at this list, how can you incorporate some of these same postures, actions, blessings, etc. into your life?


Questions from Scripture [10 minutes]

  • Read Matthew 1:18-25.  Put yourself in Joseph’s shoes.  What must he have been feeling and thinking?  Now do the same for Mary.  How can we better capture the beauty and mystery of Jesus’ Incarnation at Christmastime?
  • Read Mark 15:33-39.  Why did Jesus have to die?  What role should the death of Jesus play in our lives now?  How best can we demonstrate the same kind of sacrificial love toward those in our lives where we work, live, and play?



Father, thank you for sending Jesus. We are forever grateful for the fact that you loved the world enough to send your one and only Son for us. Please move your Spirit among us so that we can live lives worthy of Jesus' sacrifice. Teach us how to sacrifice ourselves for others as Jesus did. And Father, continue to remind us that the love you poured out for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus flows through us to those who do not yet know you. In Jesus' holy name. Amen.


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