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Article 2:  The Bible - Revelation and Authority

Article 2
We believe that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors. God, His work and His ways are revealed through the Bible truly though surely not exhaustively. As the inspired Word of God, it is without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority for what we believe and for how we live. Therefore, the Bible is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises.

To better understand the role that the Bible can and should play in our lives.
[In each section start with the green question and do the others as time permits.]

Open in Prayer


Watch the Video [5–10 minutes]


Video Reflections [10 minutes]

  • When you hear that the Bible is inspired, that it is God-breathed, what words come to mind? What does it mean to say that the Bible comes from the mouth of God? Where does that leave the human authors, like Paul and Luke?
  • What are some ways that we approach the Bible? What does each of these ways say about what we think of the Bible? How can the way we think about the Bible change how we read it?
  • "If this book does come from the mouth of God and it tells us who God is, then where else can we go?" ~Jeff Liou. Be honest; where else are we tempted to go instead of to the Scriptures? How can we begin to go to the Bible more often than not?


"We believe that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors. God, His work, and His ways are revealed through the Bible truly though surely not exhaustively. As the inspired Word of God, it is without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority for what we believe and for how we live. Therefore, the Bible is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises."
(Lake Avenue Church Statement of Faith: Article Two – The Bible)


Questions from the Statement of Faith [20 minutes]

  "Up" Questions (Worship)

  • Have everyone share how they consistently read and study Scripture. Spend some time learning from one another, trusting that God might teach you how to encounter him in the Bible in new ways!
  • Read over the text from the Statement of Faith and underline all the words in it that reveal that God is worthy of worship. Which words did you underline? Which of them is most meaningful to you and why?
  • How can you use the Bible more in your private worship? What about in your worship time within your small group?


  "In" Questions (Community)

  • Despite the Bible's focus on community, why are we so tempted to read it individualistically? What might be gained by reading it through the lens of community?
  • Have you often studied the Bible with others? What challenges did this experience inherently bring? What about reading in community made your experience of the Bible richer?


  "Out" Questions (Service)

  • We tend to read the Bible differently depending on where we are in our journey with Jesus.  How might someone who has not yet begun to follow Jesus read the Bible?  What about a new follower?  What about a long-time follower?  How can we read the Bible together despite these differences?
  • The Bible consistently asks us to live our lives for others (Philippians 2:3–4; Matthew 22:37–40; etc.). How might this fact change how you read the Bible?
  • CHALLENGE: As you read the Bible this week, you may be inspired to do something specific. If you are, write that impression down and post it somewhere you will see it. Can you think of other ways to be reminded of what God is teaching you through the Bible?


Questions from Scripture [10 minutes]

  • Read 2 Timothy 3:14–17. What does this passage say about the purpose of the Bible? How does the Bible help equip us for good works?
  • Read Psalm 119:105. What does this verse teach us about the Bible? What are a few ways we could put what we read here into practice in our lives?



Father, we are so grateful that you have revealed yourself to us in the Bible. We admit that we don't read it enough, and we certainly don't live it out as we should. So, through your Spirit, empower and enliven us to read the Scriptures more and obey your commands we find there. We long to know you more and more deeply, so speak to us through your Word as we read it privately and in community. In Jesus' holy name. Amen.


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