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Read John 15:5 as a Family:
Jesus is finalizing the "I am" statements here in John 15. He has declared that he is the Bread of Life; the Light; the Gate; the Good Shepherd; The Resurrection and the Life; the Way, the Truth, and the Life... ending with what we read here: "I am the vine." Jesus is declaring that we can do nothing without him. He compares himself to the vine and us to the branches. A vine is the source of life for the branches. It is what gives food and strength and nutrients to the rest of the plant. Jesus is making a comparison here: In the same way that the vine strengthens the branches, Jesus gives us great strength and power. But we have to stay connected to the vine if we want to have a full life, a meaningful life. If we do not put our trust in this "vine," it will be impossible for us to bear fruit.

This idea of bearing fruit is one that can be hard to understand. "Bearing fruit" means that when we follow Jesus, our lives look different. When we are connected to Jesus, plugged into God, rooted and planted in God's word... We are joyful; we serve those around us; we care about people when they are hurting; we reach out to the kid who sits alone at the lunch table. We reflect God to the world. "Bearing fruit" doesn't mean we get to lead an easy life. But it does mean we lead a full and fruitful life. It means that we can rest in the knowledge that our Savior will provide for us.

• If you were to look in a garden, what happens to a plant if it is separated from its roots? Explain how this is similar to a vine and its branches.

• When is it difficult to stay connected to God? What keeps us from staying connected to God?

• What does it mean for us to "bear fruit?" Does your life "bear fruit?" How?

Prayer: Confess the areas where you haven't been allowing God to be the vine in your life. Ask for him to be the provider for your life, for your family, for the world. Thank God for his grace!
– Blake Riboli