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Read 1 John 1:8-10 as a Family

Have you ever been to the doctor before? What was it like? What was your favorite food to eat when you were sick? What emotions did you feel? What did you need from your parents, siblings, friends?

According to 1 John 1:8-10, "sin" is not just something we do. Instead, it's more like a sickness or a disease, something that we've had from birth. Since Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis 3, we haven't ever been able to get things right; we've never been able to live the way we were created to live. We are constantly in need of help because we've always got this "sin-sickness" in us.

But Jesus' disciple, John, knew the good news! He tells us here that people who admit their sin-sickness and inability to cure themselves will find the Great Physician—Jesus— ready to forgive and to heal. So, if you've never admitted your sin-sickness and helplessness, today is the day to do that. For those of you who know you have received the forgiveness of God, take time to give thanks and praise to the God who loves us all.

-Jeff Liou and Annie Neufeld