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Read Psalm 119:105 as a Family

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and found yourself alone and in the dark? What did that feel like? Was it scary? Confusing?

Several years ago I went on a hike through a cave with some Middle School students. As we moved deeper and deeper into the cave, the light slowly faded away and we found ourselves in complete and total darkness. You couldn't see anything, even with your eyes wide open. If we had been left to our own devices in that cave, we would have gotten completely lost! But luckily, my friend had hiked in the cave before, and he had brought some head lamps. These are like tiny flashlights you wear on your head, so you can see what's in the path before you. Armed with our head lamps, we had so much fun exploring that cave. Without them, we would have been lost and afraid.

Our verse today tells us that God's Word is a light for our path. That means that the words we read in Scripture light up the world around us. The Bible gives us hope when our lives feel scary or confusing. There are lots of times during the day when we run into "darkness": maybe a kid at school is bullying you, maybe you keep finding ourselves lying to you parents or your teachers, maybe people are gossiping about you or you are gossiping about others, maybe one of your friend's family member is sick, or maybe someone in your own family is sick. This verse tells us that when we run into those "dark" things, God's Word can help us.

- Annie Neufeld and Bill Mead