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Read 2 Corinthians 13:14 as a Family

My dad has always been a terrible dancer. And when I say terrible, I mean terrible. He can't keep a beat to save his life. So imagine my surprise when on my wedding day, he comes to the dance floor for the Father/ Daughter dance with a big smile on his face. I had resigned myself to the fact that our "special dance" wouldn't be much of a dance at all; it would be more like an awkward hug with a little leg movement. But my dad gave me the biggest gift that day by learning how to dance! He had practiced; he had trained; he had learned the steps. And we moved as one on that dance floor.

Pause together as a family. Put on your favorite dancing music. Frozen soundtrack? VBS songs? The newest song on the radio? Have a dance party!

Or, if your kids are a little older, you can watch a dance on YouTube. One of my favorites is from the show, So You Think You Can Dance. Watch this dance together:

Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. These three persons of God have been known for almost 2,000 years as the Holy Trinity. Three Persons, One God. Isn't that mysterious? Confusing? Hard to understand, but also mind-blowing? And the church has—from the earliest years—called this dynamic the Divine Dance. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three separate persons who move so closely together, whose relationships are so vulnerable, it is as if they are one. And they are one. They are woven together in their love for one another. It's almost like the relationships between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are so close that "When one weeps, the other tastes salt" (said by C. Baxter Kruger).

Can you imagine that? Being so close to your brother or your sister that you can actually taste their tears? That's really close. And that's how it is with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They move as one in the Divine Dance.

And the good news of the Gospel is that we are invited into this Divine Dance! We are invited to join in the mysterious love between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is a God who IS LOVE, and He has invited us into that eternal love story.

- Annie Neufeld