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When the Head is Full & the Heart is Empty - Week 3 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Listen & Hear


When the head is full & the Heart is empty

Revelation 2:1-7

  1. Read 2:1. The word translated "angel" also means "messenger." This is the person who is to carry Jesus' message to the church members. Who might that have been? Who should bring God's messages to the local church now, and how should you listen?

  2. How is Jesus described in v.1? (Remember 1:20 and consider that the "stars" are probably the people in each church, i.e., in each lampstand.) Discuss the relationship of Jesus to the local church in the light of this description.

  3. In vv. 2–3 and 6, Jesus commended some good things about the church in Ephesus. What did he praise? Would he be happy about similar things in your life and in the life of your church?

  4. Put into your own words the sobering charge Jesus brings against the church in v. 4. (Jesus' language is a phrase usually used of a marriage relationship.) According to v. 5b, how serious is Jesus' charge?

  5. In v. 5, Jesus gave three directives so that their first love can be rekindled. Discuss each of the three words and how people today might put them into practice:
    • Remember
    • Repent
    • Do

  6.  In your own words, what was the promise Jesus' gives to those who listen and obey in v. 7? (Gen. 3:22–24 and Rev. 2:1–2 provide context.)

  7. What are you hearing from God's Word in this study? How do you plan to respond to what you are hearing?


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