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It's Worth It - Week 8 - Study Guide

it's worth it

Revelation 3:7-13

  1. Are the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna (2:8–11) rebuked for their behavior? What do both churches share in common? Why do you think Jesus speaks so positively about them?

  2. How is Jesus described in 3:7? Discuss what the words "holy" and "true" mean. What do you think "the key of David" refers to? (See also Isaiah 22:22.)

  3. What did God promise the church of Philadelphia (3:8)? What does it mean, specifically and practically, that they had an open door? Does God also give open doors to us? Do you feel confident talking to people about Christ? Other than witnessing—saying the words of the Gospel—what are some other ways we have open doors to contribute to the advancement of God's kingdom?

  4. What do you think it means that the church in Philadelphia had "little power" (3:8)? How impressive is it that even with little power the church kept Jesus' word and did not deny His name? How does this apply to us?

  5. Why might Jesus have called the local synagogue the "synagogue of Satan" (3:9)? Ask also why he said that the Sardis church was one that seemed to be alive but was dead in 3:1.

  6. What do you think the promises of Jesus in 3:10–11 meant to that small group of persecuted Christians in Philadelphia so long ago? How do they apply to us now?

  7. People in Philadelphia were being locked out of their meeting places, out of the synagogue, and out of work opportunities because of their faith in Jesus. How would 3:12 have encouraged them? In what ways does this letter encourage and motivate you?


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