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Do Not Be Afraid - Week 4 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Listen & Hear

Do Not be afraid

Revelation 2:8-11

  1. Read 2:8 and compare the description of Jesus with that in Rev. 1:8, 17.
    • How would you explain these descriptions of Jesus to someone who has never heard about him?
    • What relevance would this description of Jesus have to people who are poor, afflicted, and in trouble?

  2. Jesus described what he knew about the church members in v. 9. Describe what their lives probably were like. Do you know anyone experiencing life in a similar way? Have you?

  3. Jesus gave instructions to them about how they were to live in v.10. List each component of what he says. As you do, discuss how you would have responded to his words. (Is what he said what you would have wanted him to say?)

  4. Jesus' promise is in v.11. Would you have found hope in his words? Why or why not? How would people in our world respond to his promise?

  5. Summarize the main lesson you hope to apply to your life from this passage in one sentence and share it.



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