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Life Together Week 6 - Study Questions

Category: Life Together

Growing Together Without Complaining

This text tells us more about the “mind” (attitude, mindset) of Jesus than any other passage of the Bible. But, the main goal of our text is not so much to teach us truths about Jesus as it is to teach us how to live with the mindset of Jesus.

  1. Paul and the Philippian church had a long and very personal history with one another. Read the following passages and familiarize yourself with some key history.

    *Acts 16:12-40

    *II Corinthians 8:1-5 (Philippi was the main church in Macedonia)

    *Acts 20:1-2

    *II Corinthians 11:7-9

    *Philippians 4:14-18

  2. Philippians 2:12-18 begins with a "Therefore." Take some time to list or highlight some of the things Paul has said thus far in the letter that are assumed in the term "Therefore."
  3. Vv. 12-13

    *Why do we obey better when we are being watched?

    *How does knowing God's good purpose for our lives make a difference in how we live?

  4. Vv. 14-15

    *Complaining and arguing are often linked to unbelief. Review Numbers 14 and how God dealt with grumbling.

    *Review Hebrews 3, the references to hardened hearts refer back to Exodus 17:1-7, also referenced in Psalm 95

    *What had the people done?

    *How is complaining and arguing a sign of an unbelieving and hardened heart?

  5. Vv.16-18.

    *verse 16 can be translated "hold on to the Word of life" or "hold out the Word of life." How are both of these actions essential?

    *What would cause Paul to feel like he has run or labored for nothing?

  6. Who is cheering you on as you "run the race?" Who are you cheering on?5



Life Together, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church