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Life Together Week 4 - Study Questions

Category: Life Together

Strength & Courage in Community

  1. Phil. 2:1–5 is an application of the command found in 1:27 to "conduct yourselves worthy of the gospel of Christ." In 1:28–30, Paul applied that mandate to handling external opposition. What is the main point he made about conduct worthy of the gospel in 2:1–5?
  2. In 2:1, Paul declared what he believes are four realities every Christian has experienced. About each, ask 1) what it means and 2) whether you have experienced it:
    • Encouragement from being united with Christ
    • Comfort from his love
    • Fellowship with the Spirit
    • Any tenderness and compassion
  3. How should we live in keeping with those experiences, according to 2:2? What difference would this make in your relationships? In the church?
  4. In 2:3a, Paul used two phrases to reveal what causes fighting among people. What are they? How do these problems lead to divisions?
  5. In 2:3b–4, Paul gave two practical directives that will lead to peace. What are they? What difference would they make in your relationships?
  6. Read 2:5 and then ask what the most important lesson is that you hope to apply from this passage of God's Word.


Life Together, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church