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Life Together Week 4

Category: Life Together

Stopping the Fight

Be like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.

Philippians 2:1-5


The title for our current sermon series, i.e., "Life Together," comes from Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer's famous book of the same name. Bonhoeffer knew that he could not ignore the fact that church families have always found it challenging to live in unity. Because of that, near the end of his book, he gave a number of practical principles for eradicating the selfish ambition that destroys Christian communities. He wrote that those who follow Jesus should do the following

  • be slow to express opinions, refusing to speak uncharitably about church family members;
    cultivate the humility that comes from understanding that they, like Paul, are the greatest of sinners and live only because of God's grace;
  • listen "long and patiently" so that they may understand the viewpoints of others before expressing their own;
  • intentionally refrain from considering their own time so valuable that they cannot be interrupted to help with others' needs, no matter how small or menial;
  • bear the burdens of their brothers and sisters in the Lord in ways respecting the dignity of the others even if their burdens are self-caused;
  • apply appropriate teaching from God's Word both to encourage and to admonish their church family members; and
  • understand that Christlike authority is always characterized by service and never calls attention to the person who is serving.

Bonhoeffer's advice is as relevant today as it was when he wrote it. Today, we will hear the biblical basis for his teaching in Philippians 2:1-5. And, we will hear Paul's words telling us that we will live life in unity together only when we "in humility value others above ourselves, not looking to our own interests but each to the interests of the others" in our community. May our Father speak to us today so that we might live in unity to his glory.

To His glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor