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Euodia, Syntyche, and the Elephant

  1. Verse 1 begins with "therefore." What is it there for? What did Paul write about Philippians 1–3 that demands a response? (This is a good chance to summarize and remember all that has been taught up to now.)
  2. In 4:2–3, Paul took up a very personal problem in the church family. What is it? How important does it seem to be? Do you think this kind of conflict is rare or common in local churches today? What do you think?
  3. In v. 3, Paul called for a church leader to help the women get along. Why do you think that this might have been a helpful step in conflict resolution?
  4. In vv. 4–7, Paul called people to engage in what many now speak of as spiritual formation, i.e., the development of inner traits and practices. What did he speak of? How might these things help in times of relationship conflicts?
  5. Paul's final word of admonition in 4:8–9 had to do with our minds. What did he say? How might obeying this teaching lead to peace rather than conflict?
  6. How will you seek to apply this passage to your life?


Life Together, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church