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Life Together Week 10 - Study Questions

Category: Life Together

God's Renewing Grace

  1. Take a moment to track down what Paul is talking about in verses 12-14. What exactly is the goal and prize that he's spending so much energy pursuing? (Hint: I think it can be found in 3:10-11.)
  2. Paul says he has not yet taken hold of "it." If this apostle who had seen Jesus, learned at the feet of the greatest teachers, survived horrible persecutions for his faith, and an author of Scripture has not yet taken hold of it, then what does this mean for us? What might we have yet to take hold of?
  3. In verse 17, Paul instructs the Philippians to keep their eyes on him and Timothy and Epaphroditus. They were in pursuit of the prize. Take a moment to reflect on who it is you keep your eyes on. Is it mostly your children? Are there people in the church that you look to? Is it yourself? Who do you think you should keep your eyes on based on Paul's instruction?
  4. This passage has a teaching for us who are suffering. Our "lowly," breakable, hurting bodies and lives will be transformed so that they will be like the glorious body of Jesus Christ. Future resurrection and glorification changes how we think, act, and feel today. How do you want this to be so for you, your family, and our church?


Life Together, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church