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Life Changer

Mark 8:22-26, 10:46-52

Within Mark 8:27–10:45, Jesus both called and taught people to follow him. This has often been called “the discipleship section” of Mark’s gospel. At the beginning and end of his teaching, Jesus healed two blind men.

  1. Read both healing stories. What is the same about them? What is different?
  2. What do you learn about Jesus from these reports?
  3. 3. Many have said that the true story of 8:22–26 is also a parable for how Jesus heals spiritual blindness. If so...
    * What lesson might we learn from the people's action in v. 22? Compare those in 8:22 to those in 10:48.
    * Do we learn anything about how Jesus sometimes works in our lives through the fact that this healing took place in two stages?
  4. Discuss your own experiences about coming to "see" who Jesus is and to follow him. What similarities and what differences do you have in your testimonies?
  5. Read 8:22 again. Is there anyone you deeply long to bring to Jesus? Pray as a group for those mentioned.
  6. What is the most important lesson you would like to apply to your life from these texts?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church