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Life Changer

Mark 9:2-29

  1. Read 8:27-31. What do you think most of the people in your neighborhood and circle of acquaintances would say if you asked, "Who do you think Jesus was?"
  2. What would you say to clarify their understandings of Jesus?
  3. What do you think the significance is of Elijah and Moses in 9:2-4?
  4. See vv. 5-6. Would you have been as terrified as Peter if you had been there? What would you have said to Jesus?
  5. In v. 7 God's voice is heard for a second time in Mark's Gospel, the first being in 1:11. What purposes are accomplished by God's affirmation here?
  6. Read v. 8. What would have thought when you saw that everyone was gone except..."
  7. Read vv. 9-10. Why were they so confused about Jesus speaking about death – especially in the light of vv. 2-8?
  8. What do you hope to apply to your thinking and life from this passage?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church