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Life Changer

Mark 8:22-38

  1. Read vv. 27–30. Why does Jesus ask for the disciples' thoughts about his identity instead of just telling them who He is? Instead of only asking his disciples what they thought, why does Jesus first ask what others are saying?
  2. Do people answer this question much differently today? How should that affect the way we talk to them about Jesus?
  3. Why does Jesus respond to Peter's confession the way he does?
  4. Read vv. 31–38. How must Christ's prediction of his suffering and death have sounded to his disciples? Do you think that church people today have any angst about following a crucified Lord?
  5. How could Peter rebuke the one he had just called "the Christ"? Is there anything that might cause us to respond as Peter responded?
  6. Why do you think that Jesus was so harsh with Peter, calling him "Satan" in front of the other disciples?
  7. How do verses 34–38 expound on what Jesus just said about his suffering (v. 31)? What does it mean to deny self and carry the cross?
  8. In verses 36–37, what did Jesus teach about the value of a human soul?
  9. What do you think of the cause and effect Jesus promised in verse 38?
  10. What is the most important lesson you want to apply to your life from this passage?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church