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Life Changer

Mark 9:30-50

Here is a simple tool to engage this week’s passage for your personal devotions:

  1. Spend some time sitting before God and practice adoration to begin your devotional time: Use simple statements declaring who God is from your own experiences with him and as revealed about him in scripture.
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern the truths that you need to receive from this passage.
  3. Read the passage and reread it again. (You might even read it aloud as this practice often provides detail we miss when we read silently - particularly in passages with so much dialogue involved.)
  4. Answer these simple questions:
    • What do you learn about God and his purposes?
    • What do you not understand from the passage? (Later use a good resource like to read theological commentaries on the passage to help answer those questions.)
    • Now that you have read and reflected on this passage, what is one practical area where God is prompting you to take action?
  5. Prayerfully conclude your time by going to God and tell him what you have learned and seek his wisdom and strength to act on it.
  6. Finally, commit to sharing today something from your devotional time in this passage, with one other person.


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church