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He Changes Our Values - Week 7 - Study Guide

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He Changes Our Values

Mark 10:31-45

  1. Read the passage for the day. How did v. 31 lay the foundation for what happened in the episode that followed it?
  2. Read vv. 32–34. This is the third time Jesus insisted that he had come to die. How would you have responded to this if you had been one of the disciples?
  3. Vv. 35–37 contains a prayer by James and John. What do you think of this prayer? Have you ever heard anyone pray a prayer like this? Have you?
  4. Why do you think the other disciples were indignant with James and John in v. 41? Have you ever experienced anything like this happening?
  5. What lessons do you learn from vv. 42–45? How can they be applied in your family? In your workplace or school? In the church?
  6. What is the most important lesson you would like to apply to your life from this passage?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church