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Knocked Down But Not Out - Series Intro

Parent Category: Sermon Resources

Knocked Down But Not Out: Jesus Prepares Us for Anything This World Throws at Us
John 13-17

Throughout the beginning months of 2015 at LAC, we will be looking at the very profound and intimate way Jesus prepared his followers for their first crisis, i.e., his departure. Anyone reading through John's Gospel will easily see that Jesus' public ministry ends with chapter 12. Jesus' journey to the cross does not begin until chapter 18 meaning that five full chapters are provided for Jesus to talk about how Christians are to live when he is not physically present.

We will seek to learn from Jesus' wisdom-filled teaching found in John 13-17 until Easter comes. On Resurrection Day, of course, we will celebrate as Christians always have celebrated – including those first Jesus-followers. But, in these chapters, Jesus was preparing all his followers to live in the years that would happen between his resurrection and his return in glory. For the first disciples, the Easter event was surely a triumph. Their hope (and ours) is that sin and death is defeated through Jesus' resurrection. Still, the announcement of the resurrection, "He is risen," was accompanied by a less encouraging one: "He is not here." The issue for the first disciples was this: Jesus has risen from the dead and ascended to glory but we are still here. Now what do we do?" That issue is as relevant now as it was then.

Fred Craddock has said, "Before the departing Christ, the disciples had been as children playing on the floor, only to look up and see the parents putting on coats and hats." The questions they asked are the same ones we ask today?

• Where are you going?
• Why are you going?
• Can we go with you?
• Who will stay with us until you return?
• How do we live until we see you again?

Throughout these months we will hear Jesus say again and again, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. I will never leave you alone. I give you one another so love one another as I have loved you. I give you my Spirit to so do not be afraid. Keep my commands and you will know my peace."

In John 13-17, we will be hearing some of the most personal and practical words of Scripture. Jesus intended them to be life changing and life directing. He teaches us how, no matter what this trouble-filled world brings our way, we may be "knocked down but not out (2 Cor 4:9)."


To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor

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