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1.  In Matthew 7:24-17, Jesus speaks about the different between knowing his words and doing (putting them into practice).  Can you identify something you know to be true from the teachings of Jesus that you have a hard time putting into practice?  Explore your answer by asking why is this true for me?  Does this connect to other parts of my life?

2. Jesus uses the image of a foundation and juxtaposes the sand and rock.  Identify how you are building your life on the rock?  Identify how you are building your life on the sand?  Reading Chapter 6:19-34 might be helpful to get you thinking.

3.  Verse 25: “the storms came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house”.  What does this mean in our world right now?  What are the storms?  The streams?  The winds blowing and beating?  How do you sense Jesus responding to these things in our world based on these verses (and the entire Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7)