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1. Read the story Jesus told from vv.24-30.  If you had not been given Jesus’ explanation in vv.36-43, what would you think Jesus was talking about?



2. In Mt 13:3-9, the seed the farmer sowed was the message of the kingdom of God.  In this one, the seed is people.  In what way(s) does God sow his people into the world?  For what purpose do you think God does this?



3. The weed the evil one planted among the wheat was cockle or darnel.  As it grew, it looked just like wheat.  However, it only produced a stalk and no grain while, at the same time, stealing moisture and nutrients from the genuine grain.  What might that say about people who attend church?  Does Mt 7:16 help you in this question?



4. Who is responsible for getting rid of the weeds according to vv.28-30? Do church people sometimes try to take this job into our own hands?



5. This parable makes no sense unless we believe Jesus when he says there is a final judgment.  What does he say?  How might we be prepared for it?



6. What are the most important lessons for us to learn from Jesus in this parable?  What difference do you pray it will make in your life?