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Read Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23

1. In Jesus’ parable, who is the sower?  What is the seed?


2. Most leaders try to make change with loud speeches and strong actions.  The kingdom Jesus speaks of comes in like a seed.  Does that seem like slow change to you?  What can happen in a field if the seed takes root?  Does that say anything to us about our lives?  About the church?


3. All farmers knew (and still know) that valuable seed should not normally be thrown all over the place like the sower in the story was doing it, i.e., onto paths, onto rocky ground, and among thorns.  What might we learn about this sower sowing everywhere in the world?


4. What kind of people today might be like the soil on the path?  If the seed of the kingdom is to reach them, what steps might first be taken to prepare them?


5. What kinds of people today might be like the rocky soil?  Have you witnessed people having a quick emotional response to God’s call and then falling away?  Can you see the potential in yourself?


6. What kinds of people today might like the thorny soil?  Are you personally susceptible to being like this?


7. How might we be like the good soil?  Can we prepare ourselves to receive God’s kingdom call?