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Introducing Jesus - Week 6

Category: Introducing Jesus

This weekend brings us together to hear again one of the most staggering stories not only in the Bible but in the history of literature: Jesus' raising Lazarus from the grave after he had been dead four days! Most sermons about this event recorded in John 11 focus on the awesome power Jesus displayed when he overcame death simply by speaking. We will remember the power of Jesus in our services. However, we will also focus on something else the Bible is teaching. Throughout our recent series in John's gospel, we have been looking at Jesus' private conversations. In the conversation Jesus had with Lazarus' siblings, Martha and Mary, after the death of their brother, the Scriptures call upon us to look at and consider Jesus' heart. My prayer is that we as a church family will learn something fresh and life changing about the love of Jesus.

Last weekend, the Ministry Council (the spiritual leadership of our church) went away for a time of spiritual retreat. God worked in our hearts in many, many ways. (See the update online here) Among our prayers for our church family is that each one who becomes a part of LAC (regardless of age, ethnicity, or background) will know Jesus and then grow to become more like him. As Paul says in Colossians 1:28–29 (and notice the repeated use of "each one"), "We proclaim Christ, admonishing each one and teaching each with all wisdom, so that we may present each one fully mature in Christ. To this end we strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in us."

We are convinced that for people like us to become fully mature in Christ, we need to experience both the power and the love of Jesus. Therefore, let us pray that we will both learn about and experience the wise and intimate love of the One who has power over death as we worship together.

To prepare your heart and mind for our time together, meditate on David's words in Psalm 62:11–12:

One thing God has spoken,
two things have I heard:
that you, O God, are strong,
and that you, O Lord, are loving.

To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor