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Category: Introducing Jesus
Jesus is "The One Who Gives Sight"
John 9:1-41
Reflection Questions on “Knowing Him” better:

Here is a man, who was born blind. He had lived in "darkness" his entire life and had no hope of ever seeing light aka receiving his sight. Jesus comes along and identifies himself as "the LIGHT of the world", as the ONE who provides light aka sight in the midst of darkness. He heals the man's blindness, but the miracle was challenged by his friends and the Pharisees. He had to continually convince everyone around him that he had indeed received his sight and that Jesus was the ONE, who did it.

  1. As you think about true vision and true blindness, are there areas in your life where you need the Lord to give you "sight"?
  2. Are there areas in your life where you think you see and yet those areas may be blinding you from seeing the true vision of who God is?
  3. When God works in your life, do you boldly say, "I believe" without reservation and without doubt? How do you live that out?
  4. Reflection Questions on “Making Him known” better:
  5. Ask God to show you this week how you could share with someone an area of your life, where He has shown you His love and grace and given you "sight."
  6. Are you telling everyone, who will listen about how God has changed your life, or are you more like the parents, who tried to downplay it and "hush it up" out of fear of man?
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    Introducing Jesus, 2010 Study Series • Copyright 2010, Lake Avenue Church