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Category: Introducing Jesus
Jesus is "the One who makes whole"
John 5:1-15
Reflection Questions on “Knowing Him” better:
The man at the pool was sick in both the body and the soul. Jesus had compassion on him, not pity, healed him and told Him to do something . . . Pick up your bed and walk (vs.8) and stop sinning or something worse could happen to you (vs.14). A man who had been broken for 38 years was whole and did what Jesus instructed, not worrying about what the crowd would say (vs.11).
  1. Is there an area of my life where Jesus would ask me "Do you really want to become well?"
  2. Do I have an area where I have become passive about becoming whole or am waiting on others to repair it rather than bringing it to God and working with Him?
  3. What is it Jesus is telling me to do now that He has made me whole?
  4. Am I doing it?
  5. Reflection Questions on “Making Him known” better:

    This week take at least two opportunities to show compassion to someone in need.


    Introducing Jesus, 2010 Study Series • Copyright 2010, Lake Avenue Church