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The Way, the Truth & the Life - Week 4 - Study Guide


The Way, he Truth & the Life

John 1:10-18; 14:5-10

  1. Read through John 1:10–18. Make a list of all the things John said about Jesus in these verses. Discuss what he meant by each of them.
  2. How should people who believe these teachings respond to them? What difference should that make in their lives?
  3. Read Jesus' words to Thomas in John 14:5–7. Put them into your own words. How would you explain what Jesus said to a close friend?
  4. Read Jesus' words to Philip in John 14:8–10. Compare them to John 1:18. What do you think Philip should have known? Are present-day churchgoers ever like Philip? How?
  5. In the light of these passages, put into one sentence your answer to this question: Why did Jesus come to earth?
  6. What is the main thing you hope to apply to your life from this study?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church