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Category: Here and There
  1. In Acts 11:19, the Christians carried the message of Jesus to other parts of the world because they had been scattered by persecution. Read about this in Acts 6:8–15 and Acts 7:54–8:1.

    *Would the Christians in Jerusalem have stayed in the comfort zones of their home areas if persecution had not come?

    *Have you experienced times in which difficulties or persecution led to God’s doing good things in your life?

    *Do you think that we can learn to depend upon God in good times—or do we need times of trial?

  2. Antioch was a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic urban city. In what ways was it like our own Los Angeles area?

    *Why do you think that non-Jews (called “Greeks”) were received easily into the Antioch church?

    *What could we learn from the report in Acts 11:21?

  3. What do we learn from Barnabas in Acts 11:22–24?

    *Could he have complained about the non-Jewish nature of the Antioch church? Imagine what might have been different about that church as compared to the one in Jerusalem.

  4. What is the most important lesson you could gain personally from this passage?

    *What is the most important lesson you would like our church family to learn from this passage?


Here And There: Spring 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church