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Who Died and Made You God? - Week 8 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Examining Our Ways

Who died and made you God?

James 4:13-17

  1. James 4:13–17 speaks of living our lives as if God does not even exist. Why is it so easy for us to forget God and make plans and decisions on our own?

  2. Is James saying it's a sin to plan for the future (4:13–17)? Why or why not?

  3. Who would you say James has in view in 4:13–17, Christians or non-Christians? Why? Is it possible that we can claim to be Christians but make decisions as if we are not?

  4. V. 14 says that our physical lives are like a mist that quickly disappears. What does that mean? What other Scriptures come to mind that illustrate the same point?

  5. What is the chief sin James sets his sights on in 4:13–17? Sum up the teaching of 4:13–17 in your own words.

  6. How do you think v. 17 fits with the context that precedes it? What does it say, if anything, about seeking God in our planning and decision-making?

  7. V.17 speaks to what is called sins of omission. Which would you say is most common among Christians, sins of commission (willfully doing wrong things) or sins of omission (willfully leaving good things undone)?

  8. Discuss the most important lesson that this passage teaches and how you hope to apply it to your life this week.


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