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The Good Life - Week 4 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Examining Our Ways


the good life

James 3:13-18

  1. Read the text and then make two lists, one with all of the good qualities of heavenly wisdom and another of the bad qualities of non-heavenly wisdom. What stands out to you about the differences between these two lists?

  2. How do you go about determining "who is wise and understanding among" the Christians with whom you associate (3:13a)? Are your criteria the same as James' criteria (1:13b)? Why is this important?

  3. See v. 13 again. Humility was not usually valued in James' world (being viewed as weakness). How would you say that most people view humility today? How is it that wisdom comes from humility instead of the other way around?

  4. How and why would a person "harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in their hearts" (1:14a)? How does the latter half of vs. 14 help you answer this question?

  5. If you were asked to describe the world's "wisdom" in three words, what would you choose? How do your three words compare with James' in 1:15? Rephrase his three words in terms your friends would relate to.

  6. The seven qualities listed in v. 17 summarize how God's wisdom should flow into his children's lives. In your own words, give a brief, one-sentence definition for each. How are they consistent with 1:27–2:4?

  7. Which of the seven qualities would you say is most lacking, and which is the most evident among Christians in our world? In your own life? Why?

  8. If the qualities are musts in our lives, what might we do to nurture them? What is the main thing you hope to apply to your life about being wise from today's study?


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