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My Ways > your ways - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Examining Our Ways


My ways > your ways

Isaiah 55:1-13

  1. Those who are in deep affliction (cf. Is. 54:11) are invited by God to a banquet he promises to throw in 55:1. Read v. 1 and discuss 1) who is invited and 2) whether this is an appealing invitation to you.

  2. In v. 2, God asks us to examine our ways regarding living for temporary or eternal things. How are we as people tempted to work for the kinds of things that cannot satisfy?

  3. Vv. 3–5 are a prophecy about the coming Messiah through the line of David. What do you think he meant when he spoke of 1) a Messiah’s being a witness and commander to the peoples and 2) a nation made up of nations that they did not know at the time?

  4. Vv. 6–9 are a call to prayer communicated through beautiful poetry. How should you apply v. 6 to your life each day?

  5. If we bring the Lord into the equation, what must we do, according to v. 7? How does this affect your prayer life?

  6. If God does not give precisely what we ask for, how should vv. 8–9 guide us?

  7. Read vv. 10–13. List the promises God makes. Then, 1) put each promise into your own words and 2) think of an application of each promise to your own walk with God. Then, spend some time in prayer with others seeking the Lord and calling upon his name. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”




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