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Live Like You're Alive! - Week 3

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Examining Our Ways

Authentic faith in Jesus should change our lives. Few (if any) followers of Jesus have ever disagreed with that statement. Our problem is figuring out how faith in Jesus relates to that changed life:

• Do we have to change our lives first before God will accept us?
• Can I just say that I believe in Jesus and then live as I want—and still claim to be a Christian?
• If I see a person who says that he believes in Jesus but has no interest in obeying Jesus, should I question whether that person's faith is genuine?
• If authentic faith in Jesus should lead to a life of love, integrity, and good deeds, how does that happen?

Those issues were apparently on the minds of some of the flock under Pastor James of the 1st Church of Jerusalem when he wrote his New Testament letter. And, as usual, Pastor James did not mince words: "Just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead" (James 2:26). This weekend, as we continue to evaluate our walks with God in the light of the cross and resurrection of Jesus, we will seek to learn from James' teaching.

Two centuries ago, speaking about this passage to a church made up of people who said that they believed in God but had little interest in having this belief change their lives, Soren Kierkegaard delivered a Sunday sermon using the parable of a church filled with ducks. All the churchgoing ducks dutifully entered the church and settled down comfortably into their church benches. After the hymns were sung and the offering received, the duck pastor went into the pulpit and delivered a motivational sermon: "Ducks! You have wings. With your wings, you can fly like eagles. Your life can be different, so soar into the sky. Use your wings!" It was a thrilling sermon, and all the ducks quacked with a hearty "Amen!" Then, they plopped down from their benches and waddled home.

Pastor James was convinced that we cannot genuinely believe in Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, and still remain the same as we were before. We must fly! I think that we will find his words as relevant to us as they were when he wrote them. Faith in Jesus must lead to changed lives.
As the Apostle Paul wrote, "You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light! For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth" (Ephesians 5:8–9).To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor

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